NACC finds Transport Secretary ‘Unusually Wealthy’




The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has found former secretary for transport Supoj Saplom to be 'unusually wealthy' as reported by the Bangkok Post here . A brief summary of Thai law on unusual wealth can be found here.


The NACC has asked the Office of the Attorney General to seize 17.5 million baht and 10 baht (152.44 grams) of gold ornaments as state property.


Mr Supoj's Bangkok home was burgled on 12 November 2011 when he was attending his daughter's wedding.


Mr Supoj told police 5 million baht was stolen, but when two suspects were arrested three days later, they told police they saw cash amounting to between 700 million and one billion baht in his home.


When seven more suspected accomplices were arrested, police recovered about 18 million baht from them.


Click here and go to the article "NACC Freezes Transport Secretary's Stolen Cash" for background on the November 12 robbery of Mr. Supoj's home and the NACC's subsequent investigation.  For more general information on anti-corruption laws, click here.